I cannot stress strongly enough how important each and every one of these items are within their own right. These are things that, if you are going to stay involved in the sport of hot air ballooning, must be commited to long-term memory and practiced each and every time you go out to crew.

DON'T wrap a rope, etc.around your hand, fist, arm, or any other part of your body.
DON'T let the balloon lift you off the ground -- let go first. The balloon can be
    repaired fairly easily -- human beings are a little more difficult.
DO always wear gloves when working with a balloon.
DON'T wrap a rope, etc.around your hand, fist, arm, or any other part of your body.
DON'T drink alcohol before or while crewing.
DO handle the envelope fabric by the load tapes.
DO keep an eye out for spectators and others not watching where they're going --
    don't let them get tangled in the lines.
DON'T get in front of a moving basket or one straining to hold its resting position.
DON'T wrap a rope, etc. around your hand, fist, arm, or any other part of your body.
DON'T wear nylon clothing when crewing. Nylon causes static electricy that can ignite propane.
DO keep an eye out for the pilot and/or crew chief at all times; be prepared for things to
DON'T let anybody help you on the crown - one person's weight is usually enough and
    another person usually means tangled feet.
DON'T smoke or light a match, lighter, etc. around a balloon.
DON'T wrap a rope, etc. around your hand, fist, arm, or any other part of your body.
DO wait for the pilot or crew chief to tell you what they want you to do. DON'T take it
    upon yourself to make that decision.
DO be aware that your clothing, hair,camera - you name it - can get sucked into the fan, which won't stop until someone SHUTS IT OFF.
DON'T tilt or move the fan when its running, unless told otherwise by the pilot or crew chief.
DON'T let the balloon lift you off the ground -- let go first.
DON'T let anyone walk on the balloon fabric.
DON'T let anyone mess with the Red Line.
DO stay away from the TIE-OFF line. Keep others away from it as well.
DON'T get out of the balloon, if you get to fly, before the pilot asks you to do so.
DO make sure someone staying on the ground has the keys to the chase vehicle BEFORE the balloon lifts off.
DON'T drive onto private property without first getting permission from the landowner/tenant.
DON'T cut fences to gain access to a balloon.
DON'T wrap a rope, etc. around your hand, fist, arm, or any other part of your body.
DO have a good time.

*Thanks to Alan Brown, David Smuck and Austin Aeronauts for major contributions to the above list.

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